Below is a piece that was run this week in at the following link: Please share it with parents you know.
The piece is excerpted from my newly released book Face Masks Hurt Kids, which is now available at online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many others. It is available at a discounted friends and family rate for this next week during the soft launch period.
I know this can be a useful resource for those who are being told to “Just wear a mask.” Face masks are not neutral to the wearer, they are harmful to the wearer, as Face Masks Hurt Kids points out, and as the list below points out.
Not Safe, Not Effective — 376 Ways That Face Masks Are Known To Harm The Wearer
By: Allan Stevo
On April 3, 2020, political appointees at the CDC announced that face masks are neutral to the wearer and beneficial for those around the wearer. For the good of others they must be worn, we were told. All people needed to wear a mask we were told, just long enough to “flatten the curve,” so hospitals were not suddenly overwhelmed, we were told. That is what the political appointees at the CDC had to say on April 3, 2020, and for some time into the future.
Within weeks scientists at the CDC corrected the record saying face masks do not prevent the spread of a respiratory virus and may, in fact, be harmful to others when worn improperly. Improperly is how virtually all people wear them, many trained medical personnel included. The authors of that research looked at 14 randomized controlled trials. This research appeared in the May 2020 edition of the CDC’s own peer reviewed journal of epidemiology, Emerging Infectious Diseases.
That research took care of one leg of the narrative. Face masks do not work and may harm others when worn around them. That is what the best research indicated then and continues to indicate at this period in time. A problem remains, though. The narrative is still standing. It is still presumed and generally accepted that face masks are neutral to the wearer.
Rather than being based in a search for truth and instead being based in a desire to keep people masked, the narrative accordingly shifted to “Well, face masks make others feel comfortable, so if they don’t harm you, why not wear them?”
That narrative too is inaccurate. Face masks are not merely neutral to you when you wear them. Face masks are unquestionably harmful to the wearer and those around the wearer. Face masks are not “safe and effective.” Face masks are unsafe and ineffective. Below is a non-exhaustive and lengthy list of ways that a face mask is known to harm the wearer.
My next book deals with this topic and is now available here. It is called Face Masks Hurt Kids, and it digs into the science of mandatory masking policies and their impact on children. The truth is, face masks harm everyone.
It is particularly important to be mindful of the needs of children at a time like this. Children cannot stand up for themselves on this topic. Nor should a child be expected to speak up in favor of his own long term well-being. Furthermore, children are being irreparably harmed by mask wearing during their developmental years. This harm to a developing child goes far beyond the harm being done to a physically and psychologically mature adult. Therefore, the necessity of fighting the fight on behalf of children and providing parents with the resources to protect their children is so very important to me.
I hope you will share this article with parents you know. They may be parents who are on the fence, or they may be parents who recognize the harm of masks on their children and are looking for a concentrated and organized single place to turn to for information like this. This piece of writing contains 376 health concerns in one place, and Face Masks Hurt Kids is another 500 pages of those and other concerns in one place.
I know how difficult this period has been on so many parents. With so much sympathy, as a fellow parent, I want you to have access to the resources you need to do the best for your family. The same is true for grandparents, aunts, uncles, and others in the life of a child.
Over the course of doing the research for this 500-page book and its more than 800 citations, I have uncovered so many shocking ways that face mask harm a person, not just in the short term, but cumulatively, and likely long into the future, even after a face mask is no longer worn. This is likely even more true for children.
Below are 376 ways, that masks may be harmful to you, covered in more detail in Face Masks Hurt Kids. Some issues below are minor. Some issues below are major. The broad takeaway from this list for me is that there is no longer any way to say that a face mask is safe for any man, woman, or child to wear. Masks are least safe for anyone frail such as the sick, the elderly, and children to wear.
The popularly circulated narrative, which many repeat and perhaps even believe, claims the exact opposite. For this reason, I have spent considerable effort laying out extensive concerns of scientists and researchers on this topic, both today with cutting edge research and stretching back into the past to the foundations of study on the topic.
There is no excuse to let a person force a mask on your child, not “just to get through the door,” not “because I’m in a hurry,” not “to avoid an uncomfortable conversation,” not “just to visit grandma,” and certainly not “just to get through the day at school.” Allowing such behavior is negligent and needs to be stopped. We need to have the hard conversations that stop it. We cannot keep avoiding the issue: people in authority demand the right to place this unquestionably harmful medical device on our children and on others.
If we cannot summon the will and the wherewithal to stand up for the children in our lives, we have little hope of standing up for the rest of society. Below is a list of 376 ways that face masks may cause harmful conditions or exacerbate existing harmful conditions, whether those conditions be latent or active. Please do share this list with others. Please do help me reshape the narrative to reflect the truth — that face masks are dangerous when worn by anyone.
Risk To Pregnant Women And Fetuses
1.) Impedes gaseous exchange between mother and fetus,
2.) Too much carbon dioxide in a pregnant mother’s blood may lead to too much carbon dioxide in fetal blood,
3.) Exposure to birth defect-causing chemicals and increased risk of giving birth to a child with birth defects,
4.) Significant and irreversible damage to a child’s developing brain,
5.) Impaired fetal growth,
6.) Adverse perinatal outcomes in women with chronic respiratory conditions,
7.) Preterm labor, which is regular contractions leading to the opening up of the cervix after week 20 and before week 37 of pregnancy and which may lead to preterm birth,
8.) Pre-eclampsia, which is high blood pressure during pregnancy accompanied by damage to organs,
9.) Respiratory compromise in pregnant women,
10.) Imposes higher workload on pregnant women,
11.) Increased risk of suffocation when worn by a baby,
12.) Virtually every physiological reaction to face masks mentioned on this list below can also occur in a fetus, only it occurs during his most important developmental period of life, likely making the physiological impact much worse,
Breathing And The Lungs
13.) Obstruction of the airway,
14.) Mask-induced increased airway resistance,
15.) Increased breathing resistance,
16.) Increased inhalation resistance,
17.) Increased exhalation resistance,
18.) Breathing problems,
19.) Impeded gas exchange at rest,
20.) Shortness of breath,
21.) Feeling of breathlessness,
22.) Chest discomfort,
23.) Tightness of the chest,
24.) Increased respiratory frequency and depth,
25.) Increased respiratory load,
26.) Increased work of respiratory muscles,
27.) Disturbed respiratory physiology,
28.) Reduced lung function,
29.) Impairments in lung function parameters,
30.) Decreased oxygen intake,
31.) Increased cardiorespiratory stress,
32.) Impairments in cardiopulmonary capacity,
33.) Rebreathing of carbon dioxide,
34.) Increased rebreathing of the body’s waste,
35.) Increased inspiratory carbon dioxide levels,
36.) Increased expiratory carbon dioxide levels,
37.) Increased oxygen demand,
38.) Increased oxygen consumption,
39.) Impacted oxygen uptake,
40.) Decreased oxygen saturation,
41.) Increased physiological dead space, which is a larger amount of space in and around the body that does not exchange air and consequently may lead to significant problems as a result,
42.) Reduced gas exchange volume available to the lungs in each breath
43.) Increased maximal inspiratory pressure,
44.) Increased maximal voluntary ventilation,
45.) Impeded gas exchange during exercise,
46.) Increased retention of carbon dioxide in the lungs,
47.) Hyperventilation, which is overly rapid or overly deep breathing,
48.) Decreased ability to compensate for a lack of homeostasis through hyperventilation,
49.) Hypoventilation, which is reduced intake of air into the lungs,
50.) Respiratory distress,
51.) Artificial inducement of COPD-like symptoms, which is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, a chronic inflammation of the airways, causing restricted airflow,
52.) Oxygen deprivation with effects on the heart, lungs, and brain,
53.) Pneumonia, which is an infection of the airs sacs of the lungs,
54.) Aspiration pneumonia (Pulmonary aspiration is the inhalation of fluid or other substance into the lower lungs. Aspiration pneumonia is the infection and inflammation of air sacs as a result of pulmonary aspiration.),
55.) Passing out during exercise,
56.) Irritation of the respiratory tract,
57.) Airway inflammation,
58.) Foreign bodies in the lungs,
59.) Lung toxicity from inhaled graphene and other particles contained within face masks,
60.) Inhaled mask polypropylene fibers and other fibers contained within face masks,
61.) Sub pleural ground glass opacities due to inhaled mask fibers (While ground glass opacities are indicated in many diseases and conditions, they are hardly as awful as their name would suggest. Their name comes from the hazy look of sandblasted glass. Ground glass opacities (GGO) is merely another way to say “hazy images on an chest x-ray or CT scan.” The presence of ground glass opacities indicates increased density in lung tissue.),
62.) Self-contamination,
63.) Clinically relevant fungal, bacterial, and viral infections,
64.) Abscesses in lung tissue,
65.) Increased lower respiratory tract infections caused by the deep seeding of oropharyngeal flora,
66.) Aspergillosis, which is the inhalation of fungal fibers that gather as fungal balls in the lungs,
67.) Inhalation of mold and bacterial colonies living on the surface of masks,
68.) Fibrous thickening of the peribronchiolar interstitium, which is the space around the air sacs of the lungs,
69.) Bronchopulmonary diseases from inhaled synthetic fibers such as:
1. Asthma,
2. Alveolitis, which is inflammation of the air sacs of the lungs,
3. Chronic bronchitis, which is the inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes; the bronchial tubes being how air is carried to and from the lungs,
4. Bronchiectasis, which is abnormal widening of the bronchi or their branches, causing an additional risk of infection,
5. Spontaneous pneumothorax, which is sudden collapsed lung without any apparent cause,
6. Chronic pneumonia,
7. Granulomas, which are masses of tissue produced in response to the presence of an infection or foreign substance,
8. Pulmonary fibrosis,
9. Mask induced rhinitis, which is swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose,
70.) Increased disease transmission due to “the nebulizer effect,” which is a phenomenon caused by the wearing of mask, in which the mask wearer to pushes more fine particles further out from the mask wearer than a non-mask wearer would,
71.) Pulmonary hypertension, which is abnormally high blood pressure in the blood vessels that support the lungs,
72.) Aggravation of exercise induced asthma,
73.) Bacterial-induced chronic airway inflammation,
74.) Increased risk of severe respiratory failure,
75.) Immotile cilia syndrome caused by humidity and temperature in the upper airway (Cilia is a hair-like structure lining the airways that serves several functions, among that helping to clear the lungs of matter. Immotile cilia lead to disturbance in the clearing of the lungs.),
76.) Increased heart rate,
77.) Reduced cardiopulmonary capacity,
78.) Lower maximum blood lactation response, which is an indicator of reduced cardiopulmonary capacity,
79.) Mask-induced latent increase in blood gas carbon dioxide levels (toward hypercapnia),
80.) Increase in carbon dioxide retention,
81.) Increased carbon dioxide blood content,
82.) Increased transcutaneous carbon dioxide, which is carbon dioxide levels measured through the skin,
83.) Rapid onset of toxic effects due to the easy uptake of carbon dioxide in the blood and the rapid diffusion into bodily tissue,
84.) Mask-induced latent drop in blood gas oxygen levels (toward hypoxia),
85.) Decreased oxygen availability,
86.) Decreased oxygen saturation of the blood,
87.) Decreased blood oxygen partial pressure,
88.) Hypercapnia, which is abnormally high carbon dioxide in the blood
89.) Including acute (sudden) hypercapnia,
90.) Hypoxia, which is abnormally low oxygen in the blood,
91.) Hypercapnic hypoxemia, which is abnormally low oxygen in the blood at the same time as abnormally high carbon dioxide in the blood,
92.) Increased blood acidity,
93.) Increased lactate concentration,
94.) Increased acidic environment,
95.) Acidosis,
96.) Cardiac overload,
97.) Endothelial dysfunction, which is impaired function of the lining of the blood vessels, an early stage of arteriosclerosis in which the endothelium, the lining of the blood vessels, stops working properly and may cause significant symptoms,
98.) Increased blood pressure,
99.) Increase in systolic blood pressure,
100.) Hypertension, which is abnormally high blood pressure,
101.) Hypotension, which is abnormally low blood pressure,
102.) Vascular damage, which is damage to the arteries and/or veins,
103.) Cardiovascular disease, which is disease of the heart and circulatory system,
104.) Increased heart attack risk,
105.) Increased stroke risk,
106.) Serious arrhythmia, which is an irregular or abnormal rhythm of the heart,
107.) Cardiac dysfunction,
108.) Right or left ventricular dysfunction, which is improper functioning of the portion of the heart that is largely responsible for pumping blood,
109.) Pericarditis, which is swelling or irritation of the saclike tissue around the heart, the pericardium,
110.) Myocardial ischemia, which is reduced blood flow to the heart, preventing the heart muscle from receiving enough oxygen,
111.) Arteriosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries,
112.) Coronary heart disease, which is a disease affecting the major blood vessels that supply the heart,
113.) Life threatening staph infections,
114.) Bacteremia, which is bloodstream infection,
115.) Sepsis, which is a condition in which the body’s response to an infection damages the body,
116.) Septic arthritis, which is joint trouble caused by the spread of an infection to a joint,
117.) Irreversible fibrosis in heart tissue, which is a change in the heart tissue, leading to impaired performance of the heart,
118.) Subacute bacterial endocarditis, which is an infection of the heart lining and valves that develops over a longer period of time than acute (sudden) bacterial endocarditis,
119.) Reduced renal blood flow,
120.) Reduced renal function,
121.) Reduced glomerular filtration rate, which is the amount of blood that passes through the filters of the kidneys each minute — a reduced rate is an indication of reduced kidney function,
122.) Renal overload,
123.) Generalized nephritis, which is inflammation of the kidneys,
124.) Flares of toxins in the body,
125.) Headaches,
126.) Exacerbation of pre-existing headache disorders,
127.) De novo PPE-associated headaches (PPE is personal protective equipment, such as face masks, N95 respirators, face shields, and other items; de novo, in this specific usage, refers to a headache that did not exist prior to the introduction of PPE and therefore provide a stronger indication that the introduced PPE is a cause of the headache.),
128.) Migraine headaches,
129.) Irritation of cervical nerves in the neck and head by mask straps,
130.) Lightheadedness,
131.) Insomnia,
132.) Drowsiness, which is qualitative neurological deficits,
133.) Dizziness,
134.) Syncope, which is the inability to maintain sufficient blood pressure to allow the brain to properly function, thereby increasing the risk of falling,
135.) Triggers cerebral ischemia, which is the reduction of blood flow to the brain, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen available to brain tissue,
136.) Seizures,
137.) Increased brain volume,
138.) Decrease in cerebrospinal fluid spaces,
139.) Increased intracranial pressure (Generally speaking, as the brain enlarges, pressure on the skull increases.),
140.) Increased vasodilation in the central nervous system,
141.) Increase in cerebral artery flow,
142.) Decreased pulsation of blood vessels in the central nervous system,
143.) Damage to blood vessels that supply the brain,
144.) Decreased cerebral perfusion (Perfusion is the act of pumping blood through the body, cerebral perfusion is the movement of blood — and thereby oxygen — through the tissue of the brain.),
145.) Deterioration of the hippocampus, which is a particularly oxygen-sensitive portion of the brain,
146.) Degeneration of the brain due to reduced oxygen,
147.) Neurodegenerative disease,
148.) Alzheimer’s disease,
149.) Meningitis, which is inflammation of the fluid and membranes around the brain and spinal cord,
150.) Autoimmune encephalitis such as basal ganglia encephalitis and pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections, which is also known as PANDAS,
151.) Obstructs flow of blood vessels in the face,
152.) Obstructs flow of lymph in the face,
153.) Moisture retention,
154.) The sensation of dampness,
155.) The sensation of heat,
156.) Impacted microclimates of the face,
157.) Flushing,
158.) Impacted pH value of skin,
159.) Skin breakdown,
160.) Erythematous, which is the reddening of the skin due to damage of superficial capillaries,
161.) Increased fluid loss through the skin epithelium,
162.) Increased sebum production (Sebum is a Latin word for “grease,” and refers to the oil created by the sebaceous glands, specifically on the face, in this example.),
163.) Altered skin flora,
164.) Hypersensitivity to ingredients of industrially manufactured masks,
165.) Impaired skin barrier function,
166.) Increased skin susceptibility to acne and infection,
167.) Redness,
168.) Rash,
169.) Mask associated skin irritation,
170.) Local acne,
171.) Staph infections,
172.) Itching,
173.) Urticaria, which is another word for hives — red, itchy welts on the skin,
174.) Contact dermatitis,
175.) Contact eczema,
176.) Increased disease transmission due to poor hygiene practices around face masks,
177.) Impaired field of vision,
178.) Mask-associated ocular irritation,
179.) Increased dry eye symptoms,
180.) The fogging up of glasses,
181.) The angulation of the outer ear,
182.) Permanently disfigured growth of cartilage of the outer ear,
183.) Auricular chondritis, which is painful inflammation of the cartilage of the ear,
184.) Under-developed auricular cartilage,
185.) Mechanical skin lesions,
186.) Painful lesions of the retro auricular skin (The auricle of the ear is the external portion of the ear; retro auricular skin refers to skin on the back side of the ears or behind the ears.),
187.) Permanent hyperpigmentation (Mask pressure against the skin causes dark marks in the places of pressure as the skin becomes damaged and heals repeatedly.),
188.) Itching and swelling of mucous membranes, which are the lining of surfaces in the nose and other parts of the body that come in contact with the air and contain cells that produce mucus,
189.) Mucosal irritation of the nose,
190.) Increased nasal secretion,
191.) Mouth-breathing,
192.) Mouth dryness,
193.) Reduced saliva,
194.) Oral dysbiosis, which is a harmful imbalance of the microflora of the oral cavity,
195.) Halitosis, which is bad breath,
196.) “Seriously sour breath,”
197.) A newly identified condition known as “mask mouth,” in which many of the conditions in this section occur simultaneously, seemingly caused by face mask wearing,
198.) Decaying teeth,
199.) Dental caries, which are more commonly known as cavities,
200.) Mask-induced dental problems,
201.) Receding gum lines,
202.) Gum disease,
203.) Gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gingiva, the lining of the gums around the base of the teeth,
204.) Cheilitis, which is inflammation of the lips,
205.) Angular cheilitis, which is the breaking down of skin at the corners of the mouth,
206.) Cracking and sores at the corner of mouth,
207.) Increased risk of Group A Streptococcus infections,
208.) Candidiasis of the mouth, which is fungal infestation of the mucous membranes with Candida albicans,
209.) Periodontal disease, which is illness of the support structure around the teeth,
210.) Superficial and relatively harmless pathogens in the oral flora are caused to be harmful when they access deeper tissues and the blood
211.) Impaired vocal cord coordination,
212.) Aggravation of facial trauma,
213.) Harm to oral and maxillofacial surgery patients (The maxilla is the upper jaw; oral and maxillofacial surgery is surgery of the mouth, bones of the mouth, and face, and may extended into other portions of the head.),
214.) Slurred speech,
215.) Acoustic filtering of speech, making speech sound softer, mumbled, muffled, or otherwise harder to hear,
216.) Filter and dull acoustic communication,
217.) Limit facial recognition,
218.) Positive emotions become less recognizable,
219.) Suppression of emotional signals,
220.) Erase positive effects of smiles and laughter,
221.) Increase the likelihood of misunderstanding,
222.) Block emotional signaling,
223.) Disrupt human communication, both verbal and non-verbal,
224.) Negative emotions are amplified,
225.) Reduction of comprehension of outward emotional displays,
226.) Reduction in empathy perception,
227.) Disrupt social interaction,
228.) Disruption of doctor-patient relationship,
229.) Bonding between teachers and learners is reduced,
230.) Interference with pedagogy,
231.) Increased alienation of the deaf and hard of hearing,
232.) Increased stress upon the hearing impaired,
233.) Increased stress upon the mentally impaired,
234.) Reduced social cohesion,
235.) Reduced group cohesion,
236.) Increased stress-related illnesses,
237.) Hinders a baby’s acquisition of speech and language,
238.) Increased feelings of isolation,
239.) Social withdrawal,
240.) Increased peer pressure encouraging the wearing of a face mask beyond the recognition of harmful symptoms,
241.) Provokes excessively loud speech,
242.) Triggering new voice disorders,
243.) Increased risk of voice disorder,
244.) Compromise of the pressure gradients required for undisturbed speech,
245.) Increased aerosol production during speech, which leads to increased spread of pathogens,
246.) Partial immunosuppression or reduced immune response,
247.) Increased predisposition for viral, fungal, and bacterial illness,
248.) Increased rhinovirus infections,
249.) Increased risk of disease transmission,
250.) Immune-mediated inflammatory disorders, more commonly known as auto-immune diseases, which include rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, Sjorgen’s syndrome, along with many others,
251.) Promotes the growth, invasion, and spread of cancer,
252.) Poorer survival rates in patients with cancer,
253.) Poorer clinical outcomes,
254.) PPE-associated discomfort,
255.) Mild pain,
256.) Nausea,
257.) Vomiting,
258.) Fatigue,
259.) Vertigo, which is a sensation of whirling and loss of balance,
260.) Exhaustion,
261.) Drowsiness,
262.) Increased stress hormone levels, which include adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol,
263.) Increased muscle tension,
264.) Impacted working methods,
265.) Malaise with chest pain,
266.) Increased danger of heat stroke,
267.) Increased likelihood that heat will amass in the body,
268.) Increased likelihood that the body will not be able to properly cool itself,
269.) Mask induced thermal stress,
270.) Increased risk of thermal shock,
271.) Increased risk of dehydration,
272.) Impacted homeostasis,
273.) Slowed maximum speed of movement,
274.) Inability to recognize the signs of dehydration,
275.) Psycho-vegetative stress reactions,
276.) Impacted physical workload,
277.) Impacted maximum power output,
278.) Impacted exercise capacity,
279.) Impacted pace of work,
280.) Muscular weakness,
281.) Impact on fast-twitch muscle fiber size,
282.) Muscle damage,
283.) Greater difficulty exercising,
284.) High fever,
285.) Impacted metabolic rate,
286.) Increased leptin release,
287.) Increased harm from caffeinated drinks and other diuretics,
288.) Health deterioration,
289.) Oxidative stress,
290.) Intoxication, which is the poisoning of the body with a toxin, often to the point of impaired physical or mental control,
291.) Increased inflammatory substances such as C reactive protein (An increase of these substances in the body indicates a higher level of inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a swelling or some other immune reaction of the body and indicates a problem.),
292.) Increased cell acidity,
293.) Increased noradrenergic stress response (Involving the hormone norepinephrine also called noradrenaline. This hormone and neurotransmitter mobilizes the body to act and is associated with the fight or flight response and survival adaptation as well as stress in general. It is common for norepinephrine levels to be low when the body is at rest and a person is at ease.),
294.) Increased rate of infection caused by exercising in a face mask,
295.) Increased use of medication,
296.) Toxic shock syndrome,
297.) Atopic predisposition, which is an allergy tendency,
298.) Increased rate of hospitalization,
299.) Sudden death during exercise,
300.) Altered metabolism,
301.) Increased metabolic stress,
302.) Self-induced illness,
303.) Buildup of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria,
304.) Epithelial damage, which is damage to the outer layer of cells lining the surface of the body, both internal and external,
305.) Reduced participation,
306.) Increased symptoms of sleep apnea,
307.) Increased rates of sleep apnea,
308.) Autonomic dysfunction,
309.) Increased likelihood of wound infection when worn by a surgeon,
310.) Chronic inflammation,
311.) Accelerated aging process,
312.) Premature mortality,
313.) Diabetes,
314.) Long-term disease relevant consequences,
315.) Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES),
316.) Impaired cognition,
317.) Compromised cognitive performance,
318.) Cognitive impairment, such as thinking impairments and coordination impairments,
319.) Concentration problems,
320.) Decreased IQ,
321.) Reduced motoric abilities,
322.) Impacts caretaker cognition and wellbeing, leading to a higher risk of harm to the individual receiving care,
323.) Decrease in psycho-motoric skills, which include hand-eye coordination, playing an instrument, driving a car, or other actions in which several parts of the body are used in coordination with each other,
324.) Reduced responsiveness,
325.) Impaired thinking,
326.) Suppressed anger,
327.) Increase in psychosomatic illnesses,
328.) Increased feelings of insecurity,
329.) Panic reactions,
330.) Anxiety,
331.) Activation of fight or flight response,
332.) Increased fear,
333.) Mood disturbances,
334.) Disorientation,
335.) Impacted feeling of wellbeing,
336.) Reduced self-determination,
337.) Loss of autonomy,
338.) Feeling of deprivation of freedom,
339.) Self-suppression of own needs and concerns,
340.) An inhibition to habitual actions such as eating, drinking, touching, scratching, and cleaning,
341.) Subconscious, constant distraction,
342.) Reduced attention,
343.) Impacted individual skill,
344.) Psychological impairment,
345.) Failure to recognize hazards,
346.) Mask-induced listlessness,
347.) Avoidable accidents at work,
348.) Impaired operation of automobiles and other machines,
349.) Perception of discomfort,
350.) Increased feelings of discouragement,
351.) Mild depressive feelings,
352.) Depression,
353.) Exacerbation of paranoid schizophrenia symptoms,
354.) Exacerbation of dementia symptoms,
355.) Exacerbation of personality disorder symptoms,
356.) Psychological impact on children,
357.) Developmental impact on children,
358.) Exacerbation of panic attack symptoms,
359.) Exacerbation of panic disorder symptoms,
360.) Inability to recognize a feeling of thirst,
361.) Loss of consciousness,
362.) Concentration disorders,
363.) Trigger sympathetic stress response,
364.) Depressive self-experience,
365.) Lowered health-related self-care,
366.) Effect on neurological diseases,
367.) Narcotic action,
368.) Neurological symptoms,
369.) Confusion,
370.) Increased feelings of numbness,
371.) Syncope in the operating theater,
372.) Reduced quality of medical care when worn by a care provider,
373.) Mistakes and misunderstandings in the operating room,
374.) Impacted postural stability (proprioception),
375.) Altered gait velocity, and
376.) Falls.
More science in support of this list is available in the newly released Face Masks Hurt Kids. If you do not already say “No!” to wearing a face mask each and every time, my bestselling book Face Masks in One Lesson is for you. Thousands have used the techniques to stop wearing a face mask. Both books are available at a reduced friends and family price for this next week during the soft launch of the book. Also helpful to you may be my LRC articles on the topic , as well as the high quality trainings and videos on the topic that are sent out to everyone who signs up at
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞